
Is your carpet looking a little worse for wear? Embarrassed to have guests in your home as a result?

If so, there are two possible solutions. Either have your carpet professionally cleaned, or buy a replacement.

Knowing which one of these options is best, however, is a bit more complicated.

Unfortunately, the signs of a carpet needing cleaning and replacement can be quite similar. Read on to learn exactly how to tell the difference and identify which is the most cost-effective option in the long-term

Signs that your carpet needs cleaning

With regular maintenance, and an annual professional deep clean at, a good quality carpet will last anywhere from 10-15 years.

In the vast majority of situations, if your carpet is much newer than this, a professional clean will have it looking vibrant and fresh in no time at all.

Here are some of the signs that it is time to have your carpet professionally cleaned:

1. It been over a year since the last professional clean

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, carpet cleaning is the last thing on your mind and before you know it, it has been several years without a professional clean.

Even if you are extremely careful to protect your carpet, enforcing a no shoes and no food rule in carpeted areas, dirt will inevitably build up over time, especially in high traffic areas.

To help maximise the lifespan of your carpet, it is recommended that you have it cleaned at least once a year, and if it has been longer than this, it is definitely time to call in the professionals.

2. Your allergies are playing up

If your allergies seem to have gotten worse in the last few months, especially when you are inside the home, it may be a result of allergens embedded deep within your carpet’s fibres.

The slightest movement on a carpet that has gone uncleaned for a prolonged period will disturb the allergens within the carpet fibres, sending then flying into the air where they will circulate for hours, significantly exacerbating allergy symptoms such as sneezing, and shortness of breath.

Vacuuming is a vital part of general carpet maintenance but will only really target the top layer of dirt and dust gathered in your carpet’s fibres.

The allergens that build up much deeper, towards the carpet padding, on the other hand, can only be removed using the industrial strength cleaning equipment used by professional cleaning firms.

3. Faded or dull appearance

Over time, general usage of a carpet will result in a slight fading and discolouration that will make your home feel slightly more dated and in need of a make-over than you would like.

A good way to check if your carpet has become discoloured over time is to move a piece of furniture and have a look at some of the carpeted area that has not been exposed to frequent use.

If this area is fluffier and more vibrant than the rest of the carpet it is time for a professional clean.

4. Stains

Professional carpet cleaning companies will be able to eradicate signs of all but the toughest stains, including coffee, red wine, blood, chocolate, and bodily fluids.

When soap and water just doesn’t do the trick, contacting a professional carpet cleaning is the best way to eliminate spots and stains from your carpet.

Signs you need a new carpet

Professional carpet cleaning can solve almost any problem when it comes to a dirty or discoloured carpet, but there are some limits.

Here are some of the signs that your carpet may be damaged beyond repair, and a replacement is required:

1. Excessive wear and tear

A good clean can remove dirt, dust, and allergens but if you find yourself covering up major stains and tears with rugs and furniture it’s probably time to call it a day and invest in a new carpet.

Such deterioration will still exist no matter how deep a clean is conducted, and in the long run a replacement is much more cost-effective.

2. Lingering Odours

If a spillage has penetrated right down to the padding underneath your carpet fibres, a lingering odour may remain even after a professional clean.

At this point, your only choice to permanently eliminate the nasty smell is probably to have the carpet replaced.

3. Permanent Stains

Stains which have not been tackled quickly and have embedded themselves deep within the carpet fibres can be impossible to fully remove, even for a professional.

Unless you are willing to rearrange your furniture to cover such a stain, your only choice at this point is a new carpet.

4. It is extremely old

Even with the best care in the world, every carpet has its day.

After the 10-year mark, your carpet will likely begin to show ripples and wrinkles that show it is coming to the end of its lifespan and it is time to head to the showroom for a replacement.